What are open spaces?
Open Spaces at PyConZA are an opportunity for attendees to form small groups to discuss any topic that interests them. Unlike talks which have a single speaker, open spaces provide an opportunity for broader input, allowing participants to raise broad issues, throw questions open for discussion and talk about their plans for the future.
Examples of open space topics from PyCon US 2013: PyPy, Testing, NumPy / SciPy, Packaging and Distribution tools, Python in Music.
Open Spaces will take place in the tutorial venues after lunch on both days of the conference.
Accepted open spaces
- Deploying Python on Windows led by Matt Hampton (Friday afternoon)
- How to hire to people if you don't have a big budget? by James Saunders (Friday afternoon)
Request an open space
To request an open space, please email team@za.pycon.org with:
- Title
- Brief outline (one or two sentences)
- Preferred time slot (see schedule).
Once an open space is accepted we'll list it here and in the schedule.